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Unlock your startup potential with our new programme: Initiate

Are you a founder at the start of your journey, 准备将你的科技创业提升到一个新的水平,但担心时间限制? Then look no further!

我们的新项目专门为像您这样雄心勃勃的企业家提供免费支持, with minimal time commitment and maximum flexibility.

Start Date: October 2024
Location: Mostly remote, with in-person sessions held in Manchester
Application Deadline: 25th September 2024

迈出这一步,十大正规博彩网站评级我们的社区,致力于推动您的技术创新. 有了我们灵活的、按需的内容,你可以按照自己的节奏、自己的时间发展你的创业公司.

Apply now

Why join the programme?

Expert advice

Gain invaluable insights, mentoring, 还有来自行业领袖和经验丰富的科技企业家的建议,他们和你一样,知道通往成功的道路.

In-depth masterclasses

Curated by founders for founders.

Vibrant community

It can be a lonely journey; join a peer-to-peer community of 100 founders, 在相似的阶段,但不同的背景和不同的观点.

Resources at your fingertips


Tailored support


Who should apply?

创新的科技创始人和初创公司在发展的早期阶段,他们被驱动, passionate, and ready to make a mark, regardless of how busy their schedules are.

Apply now via the form below or read our FAQs.

该项目由巴克莱鹰实验室生态系统合作伙伴计划支持, funded by UK Government.

Also supported by:


Who is this for? 

创新的科技创始人和初创公司在发展的早期阶段,他们被驱动, passionate, and ready to make a mark, regardless of how busy their schedules are. 我们也非常热衷于支持整个地区不同背景的创始人. 

When does the programme start? 

The programme will run from mid October 2024 to the end of March 2025

How much does it cost?

Nothing. 它是完全免费的,因为它是由我们的合作伙伴全额资助的, including Barclays Eagle Labs funded by UK Government. 

Where is it? 

大多数内容和好处将在适合你的地点和时间提供. 我们的亲自小组大师班将在全球最大的博彩平台举行两次会议. 

When and how can I apply? 

Applications are open until 25th September 2024.

What commitment is required?

We understand how busy founders are, 尤其是在刚开始的阶段,你可能要应付其他工作或承诺. 我们的课程非常灵活,大部分的支持都是在适合你的时间和地点提供的. 我们只要求您亲自参加两个下午的大师班,我们会提前通知您日期. 

I am not from Manchester, can I apply?

Yes absolutely, 我们的使命是支持大全球最大的博彩平台地区个人创业公司的发展,而不仅仅是为在这里出生或长大的人提供支持. Everyone who has an idea to start a tech business, or who is wanting to expand their business with tech is welcome. 

I am new to the startup ecosystem, is that ok?

Absolutely, welcome! We would love to support and welcome you to our startup community. 该项目将为你提供一个由至少99名其他创始人组成的网络,以及通往其他社区和可用支持的路标. 

I am already on another programme, can I apply?

Yes of course, 我们把自己看作是对现有的一些卓越支持的补充,我们与许多项目有合作关系,我们可以向您推荐. 由于我们的课程不涉及大量的个人时间承诺,你可以把大部分时间安排在你的其他活动上. 

I have a full time job / I am a student, can I join?

Yes absolutely, 我们的课程对那些还没有全职工作的人来说是很灵活的——我们的大部分内容都是在适合你的时间和地点提供的. 我们只要求我们的学员在11月和1月参加两次面对面的下午大师班. 

How are applications assessed?


Do I need to set up as a company to apply?


What happens after the Initiate programme?

After the Initiate six month programme, 您仍然欢迎成为我们的启动激活网络的一部分,该网络继续其他创始人的社区,并获得每月启动活动以及我们的其他全球最大的博彩平台数字福利. 


Yes. 我们完全致力于确保我们的课程是可访问的,我们要求您与我们的团队联系,讨论您的需求,并提出任何问题或提出任何担忧

Will there be any travel costs covered by the programme?


What kind of support and mentorship will be available during the Programme?

  • Expert advice: Gain invaluable insights, mentoring, 还有来自行业领袖和经验丰富的科技企业家的建议,他们和你一样,知道通往成功的道路.
  • In-depth masterclasses: curated by founders for founders.
  • Vibrant community: It can be a lonely journey; join a peer-to-peer community of 100 founders, 在相似的阶段,但不同的背景和不同的观点.
  • Resources at your fingertips: 访问按需内容、知识和资源的中心,以加速您的成长.
  • 量身定制的支持:根据您独特的业务需求和挑战,获得个性化的指导和支持.

Are there any follow-up obligations or commitments after the Programme ends?

节目结束后,我们会定期联系你,问一些全球最大的博彩平台你职位的问题, 这是为了报告和监测诸如创造就业等领域的目的,我们要求您能够及时回应这些问题. 当然,我们希望你仍然会和我们在全球最大的博彩平台数字社区!

For any other questions please contact Alice at

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